Home LATEST NEWS Former Liberian Rebel Leaders Oppose War Crimes Court, Prompting Concerns Of Potential...

Former Liberian Rebel Leaders Oppose War Crimes Court, Prompting Concerns Of Potential Response


Monrovia, Liberia – Two former Liberian rebel leaders, General Prince Johnson of the INPFL and Thomas Yaya Nimely of Model, are among the senators voicing opposition to the establishment of a war and economic crimes court in Liberia.

General Prince Johnson, notorious for his past actions, has issued threats indicating that his former commandoes are considering reactions to the court’s formation. Senator Nimely has also expressed his disapproval of the court’s creation.

Notably, both men were convicted by the TRC and now serve as senators in the Liberian legislature. Recent sightings have shown the two senators engaged in consultations at the Capitol Building, raising concerns about their intentions and plans going forward.