Home LATEST NEWS Pres. Boakai Order Gac To Audit CBL, NSA And EPS

Pres. Boakai Order Gac To Audit CBL, NSA And EPS

Pres. Joseph Boakai

MONROVIA – President Boakai has mandated the General Auditing Commission (GAC) to conduct a comprehensive audit of three key government institutions in Liberia: the Central Bank of Liberia, the National Security Agency (NSA), and the Executive Protection Service (EPS).

The audit will cover the period between 2018 and 2023, spanning the six-year stewardship of the previous government. President Boakai has made this commitment as part of his efforts to fight corruption, promote transparency, and ensure accountability in the governance of the country.

The audit findings are expected to be reported in three months. This audit marks the beginning of a broader initiative to audit government ministries and agencies. President Boakai has emphasized the importance of regular audits across all branches of government, not just the executive branch. This audit also represents the first time in years that the EPS and NSA, two security entities receiving budgetary allocations, will be audited. During his Annual Message, President Boakai highlighted discrepancies in the financial standing reported by the previous government, particularly at the CBL.


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