Home LATEST NEWS Big Plan To Rig Runoff Election?

Big Plan To Rig Runoff Election?


Mo Ali, the national campaign spokesperson of the opposition Unity Party has claimed that the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) has disbursed US$150,000 (US$ one hundred fifty thousand) to ECOWAS Delegates here to monitor the elections.

According to the UP spokesperson, money to the ECOWAS Delegates is intended to induce them to quickly endorse the results by stating that the runoff presidential election was free, fair and credible.

Liberians are expected to go to the polls on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, to elect a president between incumbent George M. Weah of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), and opposition candidate, Amb. Joseph N. Boakai of the Unity Party.

However, Ali, in a Facebook post on November 10 also claimed that top echelon of the CDC government met and discussed the runoff election and its outcome. In the meeting, Ali claimed the government agreed that they can’t win against the Unity Party, therefore they wanted to prevail on the National Elections Commission (NEC) commissioners to announce results in the CDC government’s favor.

The UP national campaign spokesperson further alleged that as part of the plan, the government disbursed US$150,000 (US$ one hundred fifty thousand) to ECOWAS Delegates in the country to monitor the elections.

“The money to the ECOWAS Delegates is intended to induce them to quickly endorse the fake results by stating that such rigged process was free, fair and credible. We want to assure our people that this will be thwarted and their votes will be protected. The NEC will announce the vote results as they were cast by our people,” Mo Ali said.

Meanwhile, the ECOWAS Observer Mission to the Presidential Election in the country has condemned Ali’s statement, stating that the statement was reckless… See ECOWAS’ statement below:

Mo Ali writes: Every step they take, we will uncover them. We will ensure that the Liberian people will get victory against the CDC and Mr. Weah.

At about this afternoon, the very top echelon of the CDC government met and discussed about the runoff election and its outcome. In the meeting, they agreed that they can’t win against the UP. Hence they want to prevail on the NEC commissioners to announce result in their (CDC) favor. As part of the plan, they have disbursed US$150,000 (US$ one hundred fifty thousand) to ECOWAS Delegates here to monitor the elections. The money to the ECOWAS Delegates is intended to induce them to quickly endorse the fake results by stating that such rigged process was free, fair and credible.

We want to assure our people that this will be thwarted and their votes will be protected. The NEC will announce the vote results as they were cast by our people.


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