Home NEWS Tragic Incident In Grand Cape Mount County: Man Arrested For Chopping His...

Tragic Incident In Grand Cape Mount County: Man Arrested For Chopping His Lover


Grand Cape Mount Co., Liberia – A shocking incident occurred on May 7, 2024, when 33-year-old Sofia Perry, a taxi driver and resident of Bo Water Side, allegedly attacked his girlfriend, 31-year-old Mariama D. Massaquoi, using a sharp instrument. The attack, which took place around 5 AM, is believed to have stemmed from suspicions of an extramarital relationship.

Following the incident, Perry fled the scene and evaded authorities for several months. However, his run from the law came to an end on September 23, 2024, when he was apprehended by the Grand Cape Mount County joint security team in Bomi County during the late evening hours. He has been conveyed to Tienne, where he will be charged and send to court.