Home NEWS Public Officials In Liberia’s Government Accused Of Violating Code Of Conduct

Public Officials In Liberia’s Government Accused Of Violating Code Of Conduct


Several senior and junior public officials in the Joseph Boakai’s government have been observed campaigning in the Nimba County Bye-election, which is a direct violation of Liberia’s Code of Conduct for public servants.

This development is particularly interesting as the Unity Party had previously accused former George Weah officials of breaching the same code. Now that they are in control of state power, these officials are engaging in the very activities they criticized the Weah administration for.

Our correspondents in Nimba have compiled a list of the public officials who were spotted campaigning for the Unity Party candidate in the election. Among them are:

  1. Othello Mansuoh – Deputy Minister for Administration, Ministry of Labour
  2. Victor Kpaseh – Deputy Director for Administration, FDA
  3. Benedict Dolo – Deputy Minister for Small Business, Ministry of Commerce
  4. Arthur Wongbah – Assistant Minister for Administration, Ministry of Defence
  5. Clifford Konah – Assistant Minister for Teachers Training, Ministry of Education
  6. Mo Ali – Managing Director, Water and Sewer Corporation
  7. Amos Tweh – Managing Director, LPRC
  8. Dah-yu Miayen – Deputy Director for Administration, CSA
  9. Prince Gbieu – Board Chair, Lottery Authority
  10. Dorr Cooper – Inspector General, Ministry of Commerce
  11. Robert Wilson – Deputy Director General for Operations, GSA
  12. Bob Karto – Deputy Director of National Food Agency
  13. Kou Meapeh Gono – Superintendent, Nimba County

Additionally, the campaign activities in Nimba included the participation of deputy ministers from the Ministry of Finance, the Nocal Deputy for Finance and Investment, Sekou Dukuly, the Managing Director of NPA, Luther Tarpeh, the Board Chairman of NPA, as well as Vice President Jeremiah Kung and other officials from the Ministry of State and Ministry of Youth and Sports.

These actions demonstrate a gross disregard for the code of conduct, which raises questions about the accountability and ethical standards of the current administration. It remains to be seen what punitive actions will be taken against these public officials for their violations.