Home LATEST NEWS Growing Momentum For Justice: Liberian Representatives Push For War Crimes Court

Growing Momentum For Justice: Liberian Representatives Push For War Crimes Court

Speaker J. Fonati Koffa

Monrovia, Liberia – In a significant development, the momentum for establishing a War a d economic crimes court in Liberia has been growing stronger as key figures advocate for justice. Dr. Alan White, a prominent war crime advocate, and U.S. Ambassador-at-Large Beth Van Schaach have been actively engaged in pushing for the establishment of the court. Despite the nation grappling with its painful past, the pursuit of justice remains paramount.

Adding to this growing movement, two members of the Liberian House of Representatives, Samuel Enders and Sumo K. Mulbah, have signed a separate resolution calling for the establishment of a war crime court in Liberia. This decision follows their meeting with the International Criminal Court (ICC), highlighting the importance of international cooperation in addressing war crimes.

Of particular note is Representative Enders’ dedication to this cause, as this marks his second time signing a resolution for the establishment of a war crime and economic crimes court in Liberia. This reaffirms the long-standing demand from the Liberian people for justice and accountability.

This initiative aligns with the commitment of President Joseph Boakai, who has expressed his support for the establishment of a war and economic crimes court. The court, once established, will be responsible for addressing crimes committed by individuals during the civil war, including economic sabotage, looting, and other financial crimes. This will ensure that the perpetrators are held accountable for their actions and contribute to the healing and reconciliation process in Liberia.


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